

The newly-published open-access e-book, edited by Maria Damilakou and Yannis G.S. Papadopoulos, Migration and Development in Southern Europe and South America, Routledge, London & New York, 2022 is a book produced under the project Migration and Strategies of Development in the periphery of the post-WWII Western World funded by the General Secretariat for Research & Innovation and the Hellenic Foundation for Research & Innovation. 
You  download it through the publisher's website.

Research project of the Research Unit for Balkan, Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Studies 1923: The creation of the Turkish Republic and the Balkans 

On the project see here

Research project of the Research Unit for Balkan, Ottoman and Post-Ottoman Studies 1923: The creation of the Turkish Republic and the Balkans 

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Research Project

1923: The Creation of the Turkish Republic & the Balkans


The Turkish Republic was the last Balkan nation-state created on the ashes of the Ottoman Empire as a result of painful processes (internal conflicts, resistance and War of Independence) and on the basis of almost total rejection of the Ottoman past. The birth of the new state had significant consequences not only for the Turkish citizens and the Turkish and Muslim minority populations in the Balkans, but also for the geopolitical balance of power in the region. During the same period, the Balkan states, both the defeated in WWI Bulgaria, the practically newborn Albania and the enlarged and transformed after WWI Balkan states (Greece, Romania and Yugoslavia), as well as colonized Cyprus, experienced an equally difficult period of transition and adaptation to the interwar world, following comparable or diverse management models of socio-economic contradictions and political crises. The research project aims to investigate and map the reception of this important shift in the history of the region, i.e. the creation of the Turkish Republic, in the rest Balkan nation states.

Research Team:

Andreas Lyberatos

Antonis Hadjikyriakou

Ilias Skoulidas

Marina Doumani

Georgios Manios

Georgios Konstantarakos

Elli Stroggyli

Vassilis Koletsos


On the project see here


 The Research Programme: “Refugees: their reception  in Greece (1821-1989) - Research-Documentation-Dissemination” is sponsored by the Hellenic Parliament Foundation and will be carried out by the Unit for the History of Migrant and Refugee Movements, of the Research Centre for Modern History (KENI), and the Institute of Historical Research (IHR/NHRF), of the National Hellenic Research Foundation. Its scientific coordinators are Professor Lina Venturas and Research Director Dimitris Dimitropoulos


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